Jesus asks us to pray for sinners. We are all sinners but there are those who do not know Jesus and those who hate the Church. These we must pray for. Remember St. Paul, he who persecuted those who followed Jesus then became one of his greatest apostles. Do we pray for those who perhaps in the media write terrible things about the Church, do we pray for those who try to push the culture of death and destruction (with abortion, drugs, pornography etc).
Do we actively participate in work of mercy for others. Do we pray outside abortion clinics, family planning clinics, pornography shops, strip clubs etc. Remember, the wages of sin is death. Jesus wants to save souls and we must help Him do that in whatever way we can. He has given us an incredible gift of His Divine Mercy for these times which we still don't fully understand or appreciate. This plenary indulgence granted on Divine Mercy Sunday is a great gift to all of us. We will be accountable for how we have responded to this...
Let us renew our commitment to 'do something' extra. You could spread the Image of Divine Mercy to many people by getting some small Divine Mercy prayer cards and sending them with a birthday card, a last minute Christmas Card, a get well card...on the bus by leaving one or more on a seat, simply giving one to someone you meet, there are endless ways of doing this.
We have so much in the media today which we should use to the maximum to spread the works of Mercy, that is why I started this blog. It is only something small and inadequate but I try to do my little bit to help others, to encourage others to do something for Jesus, and for souls..
O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us,
I trust in You.........
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